- Naw Hsar Wah - Secretary of the Diocese
- Naw Yin Yin Aye - Treasurer
- Naw Charity - Accountant
- Naw Aye Aye - Diocesan office Clerk
- Rev. Sunday - Head of the Evangelical Department
- Saw S Smile Lynn - Development Department
- Saya Moses Myo Chit Oo - Head of the Men Association Department
- Naw Paw Lu Lu - Head of The Mother Union Department
- Naw Hai Favour Lynn - Organizer of the MU Department
- Rev . Saw Bardoe - Head of A.Y.P.A Department &Head of the Communication Department
- Sayama Shairo Paw - Head of RE/RM Department
- Sayama That Lay Htoo - Organizer of RE/RM Department
- Naw Ywa Hso Gay - Computer Training Center Trainer
- Naw Moo Koh Paw - Diocesan Preschool in charge
- Naw Hser Gay Paw - Health Project Staff